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UN Climate Change Conference Baku - COP 29

The UN Climate Change Conference - COP 29 - runs from 11-22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, where delegates from around the world will focus on taking urgent and ambitious action to tack the climate crisis.

In the images, Jiya and her daughter Dipika(7), suffer from early symptoms of fluorosis.   With the installation of a solar  De-flouridation unit (DFU) plant by Public Health Engineering Dept, Government of Rajasthan, on the outskirts of their village (add name of village), they now have a sustained access to safe water.   The convergent approch of Integrated Flourorsis Mitigation (IFM), was demonstrated by UNICEF in areas having more than permissible flouride content of 1.5mg per litre in drinking water.

Water-related issues will be an important part of the outcome COP 29 Declaration, which will call for integrated approaches when combatting the causes and impacts of climate change on water basins and water-related ecosystems. And, the Declaration will launch the Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action to enhance COP-to-COP continuity and coherence in the field.

During COP 29, on 18 November, UN-Water will launch Water for Climate Mitigation: UN-Water Analytical Brief on Water for Climate Mitigation. The brief will explain how water is a critical component for various climate mitigation measures, and that water availability is a necessary consideration in strategic planning for future climate mitigation actions.

The brief was prepared by the UN-Water Expert Group on Water and Climate Change, on behalf of UN-Water, which is co-coordinated by the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The launch event will disseminate key findings from the brief, discuss practical strategies for integrating water into climate policies, and foster collaboration among policymakers, experts, and stakeholders in support of achieving climate change mitigation goals.  

  • The Analytical Brief is available here
  • More information on the UN Climate Change Conference Baku - COP29 - is found here.
  • Watch livestream of the launch on 18 November here

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