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UN adopts landmark global decarbonization strategy in transport by road, rail and inland waterway

UN Member States took a decisive step towards sustainable low carbon mobility with the adoption on 23 February 2024 of the Inland Transport Committee’s (ITC) Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Inland Transport.

Transport accounts for some 23% of annual GHG emissions. Inland transport accounts for 72% of this total, with 69% coming from road transport, 2% from inland shipping and 1% from rail.

The strategy aims to transform the way inland transport is approached globally, and to set a medium- and long-term course towards carbon neutrality by 2050.

Many of the 61 UN inland transport legal instruments under the purview of ITC already support or have the potential to improve the sustainability of transport and tackle climate change on a number of fronts.  

For example, the European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC), or the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN), provide the prerequisites for the necessary infrastructure to enable the modal shift from road to rail and inland waterways.  

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