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Evaluation of ILO’s work in the rural economy

An independent high-level evaluation of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) strategies and actions for promoting decent work in the rural economy has been published.

Covering the period 2016-23, the evaluation focused on rural employment, using data gathered through a synthesis of 32 reports, ILO documents, stakeholder interviews, nine case studies, and surveys among ILO staff and partners.

A review of ILO’s programmes and budgets showed that ILO’s work has extensive linkages with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets. 

The evaluation found that the overwhelming majority of partners (89 per cent) considered ILO’s commitment to the SDGs, through its actions on promoting decent work in the rural economy, to be “satisfactory” to “highly satisfactory”. 

For instance, ILO helps drive progress in SDG 6 - water and sanitation for all - by supporting sustainable development initiatives led by government.

The report refers to ILO’s Green Works project in Jordan, which built rainwater harvesting cisterns and has had a positive and sustained impact on the productivity of cultivated farms.

And, in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, ILO has supported the small-scale construction of an irrigation channel, which has led to improved water availability, and increased food production and security.

  • Explore the evaluation here.

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