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Dealing with drought

How can countries that suffer from drought move from a crisis response to a multifacted approach? How can monitoring, early warning systems and risk assessment help? These were some of the main questions when UN-Water convened a side event at UNCCD’s 14th Conferences of the Parties (COP) in India.

Peacekeeping - UNAMID

Multiple stakeholders representing agriculture, health and the climate sectors shared their experiences on how to deal with the negative impacts of drought, existing gaps and ways forward.

The impacts of drought were discussed at length as were the issues of approaching drought in a reactive and sectored way. This type of response - often referred to as crisis-led response - gives rise to a fragmented policy space where interventions are sectorally isolated, and drought mitigation strategies under-perform.

The participants were able to share experiences and best practices in approaching this natural hazard that affects a significant proportion of the global population.

Read more about drought. 


WhatsApp Image 2019-09-06 at 11.03.02

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