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CDP's Global Water Report focus on the steps companies are taking to eliminate pollution

In light of the World Bank Report, Quality Unknown, CDP focus the Global Water Report 2019 on the steps companies are taking to eliminate pollution from all aspects of their business.


The CDP Global Water Report 2019 analyses the data disclosed through CDP by 2,433 companies in 2019. It finds that companies are not doing enough to tackle water pollution - and reveals the tangible business case for immediate action.

The CDP analysis shows that less than half of the disclosing companies regularly measure and monitor their water discharges, and only 12% have set a pollution reduction target and/or goal. Further the report states that many companies underestimate the associated risks of water pollution, with only 10% reporting it a top risk.

There are many opportunities for companies to act and seize the benefits of the transition to a water-secure future. Reporting on water impacts allows companies, investors and governments to make smarter decisions, and a boost to consumer and investor confidence may offer financial returns. Harnessing wastewater is an untapped opportunity that can improve overall business efficiency.

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