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38th UN-Water Meeting

The 38th UN-Water Meeting, held on 18-19 August 2023 at the headquarters of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in Stockholm, Sweden, was the first time UN-Water Members and Partners had met as a family since the UN 2023 Water Conference, with implementation of its key outcomes as a high priority agenda item.

Eva Lövgren, SIDA Deputy Director of International Organizations and Policy Support, and Gilbert Houngbo, UN-Water Chair

During the open session, Members and Partners did a ‘deep dive’ into the recommendations and outcomes from the UN 2023 Water Conference. In a ‘World Café’ format of smaller group sessions delegates explored topics including mainstreaming water into intergovernmental processes and the potential for a UN-wide strategy on water and sanitation. 

Participants also learned about progress on the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework, including the Capacity Development Initiative, the Taskforce on Country Level Engagement, Regional Level coordination, the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6, the Roadmap on human rights to water and sanitation, and operationalizing the Innovation Accelerator. 

Proposals from these, and other, rich discussions were taken up during the subsequent closed meeting of UN-Water Members, with the goal of integrating them into the UN-Water work programme.

One of the key agenda points of the closed session concentrated on the options for operationalizing the SDG 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2023 - the “Blueprint for Acceleration”. 

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