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Introduction to the SDG 6 global indicators - TECHNICAL WEBINARS


Presentations and recordings from technical webinars can be downloaded from the links below.

6.4.1 water use efficiency

Dates and links for indicator-specific webinars will be published here as soon as they become available.

6.3.2 Ambient water quality

The webinar introduces the concepts and methodology for indicator 6.3.2, identifies requirements for implementing a water quality monitoring network and illustrate how to use the data submission form.

6.4.2 Level of water stress

The webinar aim at raising awareness of the monitoring process and offering technical support to the national teams in data collection.

6.5.1 Integrated water resources management

The webinar aims to inform about the monitoring and reporting process for the indicator and explain what the indicator value means for a country.

6.5.2 Transboundary cooperation

The webinar explains the rationale and basics of indicator 6.5.2, and responds to some frequently asked questions about it.

6.6.1 Water-related ecosystems

The webinar introduces the concepts and methodology behind the freshwater ecosystems indicator 6.6.1, identifies the requirements for implementing a freshwater ecosystems monitoring programme, and illustrates the use of the data submission form for indicator 6.6.1.

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