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WHO/UNEP launch new guidance on managing wastewater and solid waste from antibiotic manufacturing

In a webinar hosted earlier this month the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched new guidance on managing wastewater and solid waste from antibiotic manufacturing.

WHO antibiotic pollution from manufacturing

Control of pollution from antibiotic manufacturing is a key part of safeguarding the longevity of antibiotics for all. Pollution contributes to antibiotic resistance and potentially undermines the effectiveness of medicines.

High levels of antibiotics in water bodies downstream of manufacturing sites have been widely documented. Currently, antibiotic pollution from manufacturing is largely unregulated and quality assurance criteria typically do not address environmental emissions.

This new guidance provides an independent scientific basis for inclusion of targets in binding instruments to prevent the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.

  • Access the Guidance on wastewater and solid waste management for manufacturing of antibiotics here.

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